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Here here!

paul mall

beacon's main street is such a wonderful cinderella story. just last weekend we did a little xmas shopping and left feeling like we'd done an act of community service. it's the complete opposite of the awful mall shopping experience. on main st. we encountered friendly, informed shopkeepers with a sense of shared purpose instead of the inhuman, uncaring rush of the mall.

does anyone have more info about condos coming to main street? i'm patiently waiting for some sign of life at the old hat factory on east main. it seems to me that we need that to happen if main street is to make a full recovery.


I completely agree. I know how long it takes to get permits and approvals from every aspect of the state and city b/c I am still awaiting after a year approval for a friend's project (old factory into a single family home)
The developers who bought the old mills need to jump start or inform us further. These need to be restored and bring more residents. Beacon's Main Street is unusually long for a smaller city and needs way more foot traffic. Can't wait to get out there and do my shopping Beacon style. Just need that last paycheck to clear! I am a very proud long standing and involved citizen of this great city! Happy Holidy to all!


As you walk along Main Street just be aware of all the discarded chicken bones scattered along the sidewalk. If you bring your dog make sure they don't choke on them

o no!

can anyone tell me the real reason why OII closed?

TM Conroy

I heard, from someone I think is a reliable source, that OII was doing so well in their existing location that the landlord wanted to jack up the rent higher than the restaurant wanted to pay, but that the restaurant is also looking for a new location. I walked past there today and the lights were on inside, so who knows what's happening.

As far as the chicken bones (and potato ship bags and empty soda bottles, malt liquor bottles, and cigarette packs) on the sidewalk, I wish the idiots who keep littering this beautiful city would either learn to pick up after themselves or go somewhere else.

(And don't even get me started on the drug dealers and assorted lowlifes near the gas stations and also in front of Kennedy Fried Chicken.)

Main Street is doing great, and I actively support the merchants there. It still has a way to go, but I am optimistic for its (and Beacon's) future.

pojo follows dispatch's lead

PoJo: Thursday, December 14, 2006
Revitalized Beacon will put you in holiday spirit


Hike name: Holiday Renaissance Stroll.

Location: West (river) end of Main Street, Beacon.

Length: Three or four blocks and counting.

Rating: Here Comes the Neighborhood!

Features: A stroll along several "Christmasy" city blocks of charming, classy, appealing, inviting, upscale tea/coffee houses, galleries, restaurants, cafes and shops.

Watch out for: Dress "city cool," but not ostentatious.

Background: Georgetown, Alexandria, SoHo, Fisherman's Wharf, Faneuil Hall? No: Downtown Beacon. A while back, just about all over America, malls opened, and cities "closed." Main Streets USA died — empty, vacant, boarded up shops, businesses and stores. The Hudson Valley was no exception: Newburgh, Beacon, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Peekskill. Beacon has bounced back big-time. About ten years ago, enter Dia:Beacon and Mayor Clara-Lou Gould. The east (mountain) end of town started coming around right from the get-go: top-shelf galleries, studios, shops and restaurants rose from long-vacant buildings. The west end got off to a slower start, but is rapidly coming up to speed, and gaining momentum.

Hike description: Let's start at the Muddy Cup Coffee House, right on the southwest corner, and stroll down the south side of the street. This place is so, so cool. It would not be out of place in Harvard Square or on the Boulevard St. Michel, Paree: a perfect "arteest"/writer hangout. Next comes Kringles Christmas Shop, Big Kahuna, then Mountain Tops outfitters. Katy Bell and Leonard Behney opened up in March. It's a great store, with a wide selection of name-brand outdoorsy gear, and even a "doggie-goods corner." Here's their philosophy: "We were born and raised in Beacon and we've grown up hiking its beautiful mountain. Our love of Mount Beacon and the excitement of the revitalization of the city has inspired us to create Mountain Tops. Hopefully (we will) become more involved in community events and give back to the city, its mountain, its river and its people." Good Stuff! Both sides of Main Street are lined with dozens of interesting shops, galleries and eateries. Don't' miss Linda T. Hubbard's Hudson Valley photos in River Winds; the glass blowing exhibitions in Hudson Beach Glass in the restored fire house; or the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries. Hungry? Check out Augie's, Cup & Saucer, Beacon Lunch, Pleasant Ridge II, BJ's, Jamaican Spice, or Jackee's Gourmet Italian Deli. And how could anyone resist the Beacon Bakery?


Great thing that the Mr.Jacobs is a city politicians and the real estate developers,and he is doing some of the great and superb services and which is helpful for the people,and about the Main Street life of Beacon’s community,you told so this is doing an exceptional job for a long time and they are carrying on,which is a great thing.

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