After more than 3 years blogging on this site, we've decided to upgrade the Beacon Dispatch blog to a more flexible, scalable site. Sometime in the next day or so, when you type in, you'll end up on the new site.
I started writing the Beacon Dispatch blog in 2003, and it quickly found a regular audience of about 7 readers (including my mom & dad.) All that changed when Nell Timmer, Jeff Battersby, Audrey Molsky, Deb Adamson, and I decided to publish a print version, and keep the Dispatch name, in June 2004. We had no idea how much Beacon needed a paper to call its own.
I'll also be signing off from here and start work on a new site, the "Hughsonville Dispatch", that will reflect life in our new home about 8 minutes north of Beacon (depending on the traffic on 9D.) Yes, we moved out of Beacon in November. My wife and I were looking for a bit more space for us and the kids, and we're very happy with the house we found, which came complete with a barn and 5 egg-laying hens. There's plenty to write about here, such as how to care for chickens in sub-zero temperatures (think vaseline on waddles) and how to use a "farm tough" chain saw to fell dead trees without losing any digits. If you're interested in hearing more about it, shoot me an email and I'll send the URL when it's ready to go. Thanks for a great 3+ years...
~ mike
Hi, Found a cool news widget for our blogs at Now I can show the latest news on my blog. Worked like a breeze.
Posted by: Mark Vane | June 23, 2007 at 06:07 AM
I am sure most of you have heard the news by now. Pub Crawl is on the agenda to be discussed. There is the possibility that Pub Crawl can be canceled. Pub Crawl is not on the Agenda to be discussed officially until March 3rd. However, the council members are having a closed-door discussion on February 25th. We have two chances to speak in favor of Pub Crawl. Once before their closed door discussion and once after their discussion. We will more likely have a positive outcome if we influence their decisions before the closed discussion. It is easier to sway their opinion then convince them to change their minds.
The first half hour of THIS TUESDAY’S meeting FEBRUARY 19TH AT 7:00 is open to the public for discussion. We need to all show up and state that we are in favor of Pub Crawl.
Pub Crawl is not only something we all look forward to, it is a day that generates lots of income for businesses throughout Beacon! All bars, restaurants, diners, and other local businesses benefit from Pub Crawl generated income!
I will be there! I expect everyone else to show up!
We need to show up and show support in a calm and mature manner.
See you all TUESDAY FEB. 19TH, 2008 @ A LITTLE BEFORE 7:00PM
You can contact the Mayor of Beacon Steve Gold and the rest of the beacon city council to show your support for the Beacon Pub Crawl
City Council...
Steve K. Gold
[email protected]
Council At-Large...
Eleanor Thompson
[email protected]
Council At-Large...
Marlene Fredricks
(845) 440-8714
[email protected]
Council Ward 1...
Deanna Leake
(845) 831-4245
Council Ward 2...
Charles Kelly
[email protected]
Council Ward 3...
Randy Casale
(845) 590-1351
[email protected]
Council Ward 4...
Sara Pasti
(845) 831-0025
[email protected]
Posted by: LARRY G | February 17, 2008 at 07:44 PM
Beautiful! :-)
Posted by: Anaelomen | November 17, 2008 at 02:17 PM
Wahnsinn dass das wirklich funktionieren kann
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