Latest suits highlight animosity between police and City officials
by Jeffery Battersby
On March 3, 2006 and March 17, 2006 Beacon residents Sandra Tabone and Shannon and Manley Finch filed two separate lawsuits against the City of Beacon and City Administrator Joseph Braun. In the suits, the plaintiffs allege that Braun and the City of Beacon issued memos that, “…purposefully and effectively deprived Plaintiffs, their family and members of their household of all police emergency services, leaving them at personal risk as potential victims of crime, as potential subjects of medical emergencies, and… as resident/citizens who potentially will require but be denied other police and/or emergency services.”
These two suits are the 7th and 8th to be filed against the City of Beacon that have a direct tie to the Beacon Police Department. They also highlight the combative nature of the relationship between the Chief of Police, Richard Sassi, Sr. and City Administrator Joseph Braun, underscoring the effect this relationship may be having on the citizens of this community. All of these suits are ultimately being fought at the taxpayer’s expense.
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